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Labour and Birth: Preparing the Pelvic Floor



Melissa Dessaulles

Melissa Dessaulles


Contact Hours:

1 hour


Women experience life changing symptoms postpartum like leaking, issues with sex, pain, diastasis, and prolapse; All symptoms related to the pelvic floor. Pregnancy and birth result in massive stretch and injury to the pelvic floor muscles. What do we do with other injuries in our body? We rehabilitate them, we give them attention. We need to do the same for the pelvic floor. The good news is that we can be proactive and start the process during pregnancy.


1. Understand the pelvic floor 2. Kegels during pregnancy? 3. Perineal massage 4. The pelvic floor during labour and birth

Your Instructor:

Melissa Dessaulles is a pelvic health physical therapist and founder of Mommy Berries. ​Melissa is a mom of 2 who enjoys an active lifestyle. Through my own postpartum journey, she recognized the lack of support and guidance for new moms. ​Women everywhere are experiencing life changing, sometimes embarrassing symptoms, that are not discussed. ​She have a passion to educate and advocate for proactive rather than reactive pelvic floor health care. ​She believe that by acknowledging the pelvic floor’s role in childbirth and providing client-centred rehabilitation, women can come out feeling empowered. ​You can find me in person at Wave Physiotherapy in Kelowna, Canada and on social media @mommyberrieshealth.


This is a recorded webinar. After purchasing the event you will receive an email with how to access the course.
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