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The Original

Stretch Out Strap with Exercise Book

Nylon Made in USA Top Choice of Physical Therapists: The original stretching strap, made in the USA, with high-quality instructional exercise book and mobile app featuring video demonstrations. The first stretching strap on the market in 1993, still recommended by professionals today. 6'4" woven nylon stretch strap with 10 individual loops: Authentic design proven to be durable and long-lasting; will not easily wear or tear even with heavy use, unlike imitation straps. Ideal for yoga, physical therapy, IT band, hamstring, quad and calf stretching, and more. Supreme versatility: Highly effective for warmup, exercise, and post-exercise; great for dancers and athletes, as well as for use in physical therapy, Pilates and yoga routines. Allows you to perform unassisted stretches with greater control: The top choice of physical therapists and athletic trainers for safe, effective, contract-relax stretches. Multitude of benefits for overall health: Greater flexibility, improved range of motion, enhanced muscle recovery, reduced risk of injury. Includes access to the Video Stretching Guide which features stretching routines for upper body, lower body, warm up, cool down, runners, golfers, desk workers, back pain, better posture and more
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myPFM is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to share hope and healing with the world through pelvic health education

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Information on is for awareness purposes, not personalized medical advice. Please seek professional counsel for any medical condition or before starting or altering any exercise or fitness program.

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