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How to prepare your clients with vaginas for first time sex



Janelle Howell


Contact Hours:

1 hour


Information coming soon!

Course Objectives:

1. Explain the common causes of pain with sex 2. Identify the different types of sex. 3. Identify the prevalence and risk factors for pain with sex. 4. Detail the life impact of pain with sex. 5. Objectify the current treatment options available for pain with sex.

Your Instructor:

Dr. Howell is a Women’s Health Physical Therapist at Northwestern Hospital in Chicago, IL-focusing on urogynecology muscular disorders. She enjoys treating urinary incontinence, urinary frequency, painful sex, and postpartum pelvic girdle pain. She personally relates to her patients on a personal level because she is a PCOS warrior herself and is constantly learning and loving all the resources and research that she can use to improve hormonal health and happiness for women who struggle with this condition. She also is a preacher, speaker, and advocate for women's rights here and abroad.


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